Turning visitors into customers is what effective marketing campaigns, page design, and engagement strategies are all about. Focusing specifically on conversion optimization to get visitors to your page to do what you want, whether that is buying your products and services, filling out forms, or providing you with their contact information, is a step that every marketer and business owner with an online presence needs to improve continuously. This is because improving conversion rates represents the best way of maximizing the use of your resources while avoiding the temptation to simply drive more traffic to your website. You might be the best at getting noticed but if your visitors lose interest and drop out of the conversion funnel at any point, there are things you need to do to correct.

In-depth Look at Conversion Optimization and How to Improve Conversion Rates For your Own Business

Conducting Experiments And Gathering Data

Optimizing for conversions allows you to experiment (A/B Testing) with what language, content, offers, etc. work the most with the audience that you are looking to convert. When you start down the road of conversion optimization, make sure to track the results of your experiments and collect the data in terms of what is working and what is not.

Analytics needs to include tracking what sources your customers are using to find your page, what kind of device they are using to engage with your page, and what the demographic information of your audience is.  Most importantly of all for conversion tracking, you need to have tools that allow you to observe precisely where in the conversion funnel your audience is falling out of the process. Obviously, knowing what has turned a visitor off from making a purchase is the first step in understanding why they have fallen out. This provides you with insight into what to change or what to add to make your conversion rate higher over time.

The more insights you can glean in this way, the more effectively you will be able to design future pages and marketing campaigns to attract the people you want to attract.

The Importance Of Personalization

Using the data you collect on your visitors will provide you with a means to deploy one of the most powerful ways of improving your conversion rates, personalization. Personalized calls-to-action, for example, provide up to 202% more conversions. With the rise of the experience economy, more users are looking for more than just products and services from your business. They want a fully-fledged and meaningful experience with your brand.

Knowing how to cater to each new visitor that comes to your site is a great means of maintaining their interest and making them feel important. This must be sincere personalization, however, and not merely surface-level fluff. 

Omnichannel Marketing Can Improve Your Conversion Rate

It is essential to make sure that you are combining your marketing tools with every stage of the customer experience and conversion funnel. While you need your traditional marketing techniques to be on-point, conversion optimization entails that you also need to reflect on all possible mediums the visitor to your site is using to interact with your company.

In tandem with personalization, using an omnichannel strategy to capture and sustain interest through email, social media, direct mail, and in-person approaches will guarantee a higher conversion rate. 

Strategies For Boosting Your Conversion Optimization

So, how do we take this information and apply it to the pages of your business to see real results? There are some proven strategies you can use right away to improve your conversion rate.

First, explore opportunities for using customer data to make personalized recommendations for products. Offer personalized discounts based on a customer’s past search and purchase history. Sending out personalized emails is a basic but highly effective means of personalizing your brand message.

Second, always make sure to include an effective and personalized call to action (CTA) on your pages. If visitors to your site know exactly what you want them to do, they will be more likely to follow through assuming that the rest of your page is top-notch. Powerful and well-conceived CTAs are an essential part of any conversion optimization approach.

Third, make sure that your pages are optimized for viewing and functionality on mobile devices. Since more consumers are searching for and purchasing products on their mobile devices than ever before, being able to provide your visitors with a seamless experience when using your site on any device is essential. AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages are important to consider too as about 40% of people will abandon a web page that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Finally, ensure that your page is easy to navigate and well-designed. Incorporating creative content and attractive visuals are essential to gaining and maintaining user interest in your products but without a well-conceived page design, these things will be ineffective. 

Avoid Wasting Your Resources

While attracting attention is an important component of a successful marketing strategy, focusing on conversion optimization is one of the best ways of using your limited resources and maximizing your returns on this investment. Follow the simple and customer-focused strategies outlined here and continue to read more about the conversion process as new research literature is emerging all the time.

With our vast experience and knowledge in marketing and conversion optimization, we can help you to ensure you get the best ROI for your marketing efforts. Get in touch with our team at Mikesell Digital Consulting, to find out how we can help increase your conversion rates today.