Social Media Marketing

Build an Authentic Presence and an Engaged Community

Turn Lurkers Into Followers and Followers Into Customers

Social Media: Friend or Foe?

Powerful potential, limited resources. Social media can be a goldmine, but managing it effectively can feel out of reach for many businesses.

Don’t get lost in the noise! We offer solutions beyond chasing trends.

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

Social Media: Friend or Foe?

Powerful potential, limited resources. Social media can be a goldmine, but managing it effectively can feel out of reach for many businesses.

Don’t get lost in the noise! We offer solutions beyond chasing trends.

Social Media Marketing

Ditch the Gimmicks, Build Real Connections

Forget viral video fantasies. Consistent growth comes from a strategic plan tailored to your specific goals and audience.

We’ll help you create content that provides value and fosters genuine engagement.

Measurable Results, Lasting Impact

Go beyond vanity metrics.

We track what matters, like increased reach and engagement.

Our proven approach has helped over 100 businesses achieve real growth, increasing the metrics and KPIs that matter.

Let’s turn social media into your success story.

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

Measurable Results, Lasting Impact

Go beyond vanity metrics.

We track what matters, like increased reach and engagement.

Our proven approach has helped over 100 businesses achieve real growth, increasing the metrics and KPIs that matter.

Let’s turn social media into your success story.

“Mikesell Digital Consulting has played an important part in growing our business by helping us remain relevant, competitive, and successful.”

Elaine Mikesell and her team have significantly enhanced our brand’s social media presence with creative, engaging content. Their evolving approach and deep understanding of our audience have driven our growth and engagement.

I’ve worked with Elaine Mikesell and her team for over four years. They’ve transformed our social media presence into something we’re truly proud of, especially our Instagram growth. The team aren’t just social media managers; they’re creative partners who understand the heart of our brand. Their ability to consistently find new angles to increase our reach and engagement is unmatched. They craft relatable, high-quality content that our audience values. I’m constantly impressed by their dedication and the fresh ideas they bring to the table. Highly recommend them for anyone looking to genuinely connect with their audience and grow their online presence.

Terri, Owner, Owner Real Estate Broker

Social Media Marketing Services




Social Media Marketing
01 Green

Craft a Winning Social Media Strategy

No more “spray and pray” or random tactics. We’ll develop a data-driven plan tailored to your unique business goals and target audience.

Our expertise includes Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Yelp, TikTok, and many other social media platforms. We’ll help you identify the right platforms (because not all are created equal!) and set clear KPIs to track your progress.

Build a Compelling and Cohesive Social Media Presence

First impressions matter, and your social media profiles are like digital storefronts. We’ll optimize your profiles to showcase your brand and attract the right kind of attention.

Imagine having 3 extra websites that put your company’s best foot forward to represent you.

02 Green
02 Green

Build a Compelling and Cohesive Social Media Presence

First impressions matter, and your social media profiles are like digital storefronts. We’ll optimize your profiles to showcase your brand and attract the right kind of attention.

Imagine having 3 extra websites that put your company’s best foot forward to represent you.

03 Green

Create Content that Engages and Converts

Forget bland posts that get lost in the noise. We’ll create engaging, high-quality content that resonates with your audience and drives results. From strategic planning to eye-catching visuals and persuasive copywriting, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll develop a scheduled content calendar for you based on your long-term content marketing strategy. We can do it all for you, or if you prefer to do the daily work, we can create templates and offer training and guidance to support you.

Grow Your Community on Social Media

Social media is about connection, not just collection. We’ll help you build a thriving community by engaging with your audience, responding to comments, and fostering meaningful conversations.

Managing your community may be the hardest part of social media presence. It requires constant attention, a lot of time, years of experience, and customer service skills. Get top-notch social media expertise and leadership on a flexible, as-needed basis!

04 Green
04 Green

Grow Your Community on Social Media

Social media is about connection, not just collection. We’ll help you build a thriving community by engaging with your audience, responding to comments, and fostering meaningful conversations.

Managing your community may be the hardest part of social media presence. It requires constant attention, a lot of time, years of experience, and customer service skills. Get top-notch social media expertise and leadership on a flexible, as-needed basis!

05 Blue

Social Media Made Easy

Improving your online reputation has never been more important. Think about the last time you bought a product or a service. You’ve probably checked the online reviews before the purchase – just like over 90% of customers.

But it is more than that. Reviews can also increase the visibility and local rankings of your business, playing a crucial role in local SEO.

Our online reputation management services will help you:
✔ receive high-quality, positive reviews,
✔ build trust and advocacy with quick responses,
✔ and elevate the customer experience for increased revenue and ROI.

Reach the Right People Social Media Paid Ads

Social media channels are fast becoming profitable for lead generation and business growth. Depending on your business, these channels could be used as a primary or supplemental source of qualified leads.

Our experienced team is here to create campaigns with a focus on ROI for your business. We’ll assess your social media ad effectiveness and launch a tailored paid social campaign on the right platform based on your goals, market, and budget.

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing

Reach the Right People Social Media Paid Ads

Social media channels are fast becoming profitable for lead generation and business growth. Depending on your business, these channels could be used as a primary or supplemental source of qualified leads.

Our experienced team is here to create campaigns with a focus on ROI for your business. We’ll assess your social media ad effectiveness and launch a tailored paid social campaign on the right platform based on your goals, market, and budget.

Social Media Marketing

Measure & Optimize

Data is king! We’ll track your progress using advanced analytics tools and deliver regular reports that go beyond vanity metrics. We’ll use insights to refine your strategy and ensure you’re seeing results that matter.

Ready to stop feeling lost and start thriving on social media? Schedule a free consultation today and let's get the power of social media for your business.


Why should I invest in social media?

Social media is like the modern-day town square. Almost everyone hangs out there, from teens to grandparents. With so many folks scrolling through feeds daily, it’s a golden opportunity for your business to be seen and heard. Plus, with platforms evolving, like TikTok and Instagram bringing shopping directly into the mix, it’s not just about likes anymore; it’s where real shopping happens.

What kind of services are included in a Search Engine Optimization package?

Which social media channels should I use?

The choice of social media channels should be driven by your target audience’s preferences and behavior.

  • For a General Audience: Platforms like Facebook and YouTube are your go-to. Facebook’s diverse user base (68% of U.S. adults) makes it excellent for wide-reaching content, community engagement, and targeted advertising. YouTube, used by 83% of U.S. adults, serves a wide age range and is ideal for longer, informative content or storytelling through video.
  • For Younger Audiences: Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat are key. Instagram, with its visual focus, is perfect for brands targeting under 30-year-olds, especially since 78% of 18- to 29-year-olds use it. TikTok has rapidly grown in popularity, particularly among Gen Z, making it a prime platform for short, engaging video content. Snapchat remains popular among younger demographics, offering creative ways to share moments and engage through filters and stories.
  • For Professional Networking: LinkedIn is unmatched. It’s not just for job seekers but is a powerful tool for B2B marketing, professional branding, and thought leadership, especially popular among users aged 25 to 34.
  • For Real-Time Engagement and Updates: Twitter (now X) serves a more mature audience and is ideal for news, customer service, and direct interaction with followers. It’s particularly useful for brands looking to engage in public conversations and trending topics.

When choosing platforms, consider where your target demographic spends their time and the type of content that resonates with them. Each platform has unique features and user expectations, so tailor your content and strategy accordingly. Additionally, Trends show a growing emphasis on platforms that support vertical video content, reflecting the shift towards mobile-first consumption.

What type of content should I publish on my social media profile?

Content should be authentic, engaging, and tailored to the interests of your audience while also considering search optimization. Social platforms are increasingly used for searches, so incorporating relevant keywords into your content can enhance discoverability. Share a mix of educational, entertaining, and informative content, utilizing formats like longer videos (two to five minutes) to provide in-depth information (Hootsuite). Also, consider the growing trend towards transparency and sustainability, which resonates well with audiences. In general, please keep these stats in mind as you think about the type of content for social media:

  • 80%: Value-driven content (tips, insights, education, aim to foster a community).
  • 20%: Community engagement (polls, Q&A), user-generated content (testimonials), subtle promotion (updates & news), and strategic targeted advertising.

How can I grow my followers on Instagram/Facebook?

To grow your Instagram and Facebook followers effectively, focus on creating consistent, high-quality, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Use features like Instagram Reels and Facebook Stories, and leverage SEO strategies by including relevant keywords in your posts. Engage with your audience through comments, direct messages, and by participating in relevant conversations.

More importantly, focus on the bigger picture: converting followers to your email list for a deeper relationship. Encourage sign-ups through strategic calls-to-action and leverage tools for seamless integration. This approach transforms social interactions into valuable leads, moving beyond mere follower counts to create a solid foundation for sales and long-term growth. Remember, a large following is good, but an engaged and nurtured email list is better for sustained business success.

How can I turn followers into customers?

Convert followers into customers by building trust and demonstrating value. Turning social media followers into customers requires a long-term, nurturing approach. Here’s how to create a pipeline that leads to sales:

  • Use social listening: Monitor conversations and keywords related to your industry to identify potential leads and understand their needs.
  • Provide exceptional social customer service: Respond to inquiries and comments promptly and professionally.
  • Offer exclusive incentives: Reward your followers with social-specific discounts, early access to products, or special promotions. Try to get the engaged followers to join your contact list where you can nurture and personalize the relationship.
  • Social proof is powerful: Highlight customer testimonials, case studies, and success stories to demonstrate the value you provide.
  • Optimize your profile for conversions: Clear links to your website, easy-to-use contact buttons, and integrated shopping features (where available) make it easy for followers to take the next step.

Remember that building trust and relationships is key. Focus on providing value and making genuine connections with your audience first, and the sales will follow.