Here in the 21st century, being without a website is like not having a business card or front office.  If a potential client can’t instantly find you, they’ll move on to someone else at a click of a button.  It is imperative that any business that operates in this day and age, has an easy to understand, up to date website that will not only make it is easy for clients to find you but allow for them to make the most out of your website and find what they are looking for.  In this article, we discuss how you evolve your website to become a high performance law firm website and a lead generation engine, not just as a brochure.

Take these 6 Vital Steps to Create a Law Firm Website that Attracts the Right Clients.


Make Your Website Appealing to Mobile and Local Users

Now a day, a law firm must have a dynamic customer-centric website with an effective user experience to give visitors what they need as quickly as possible.  One of the single most important steps your law firm can take for your new website is to make it responsive and mobile-friendly, i.e., design for mobile first! Since 2015, having a website that isn’t mobile-friendly now affects Google analytics and your ranking for mobile searches according to  Mobile has now overtaken desktop as a tool that customers use to do their web searching, which shows the sheer importance of having a mobile-friendly website.

Here are some fundamental factors to consider for your website, based on a comprehensive study by Nifty law:

  • Responsive design – 90% of top attorney website landing pages are responsive
  • A highly informative and optimized home page – 86% of top landing pages of attorney websites are home pages
  • Optimize site speed for mobile and desktop
  • Have your location in the title tag and include name, address, and phone number in the tag
  • Be sure to have both organic SEO and local SEO effectively done on the site – 76% of top attorneys landing pages ranked in maps and in organic listings
  • Strong attorney profiles with photos
  • Include a click to call option and conversion-focused – include relevant and optimized contact us form and calls to action
  • Include testimonials and success stories

Blogs for Lawyers

Adding a blog to your site is the easiest way to get fresh content onto the web.  Regularly update your blog with the newest trends in the legal world. This will create a personal touch with your client’s and be invaluable in your Google SERPs rankings.  Please be sure to blog about topics that are of interest to your target clients and in a language and tone they can consume.

Differentiate Your Practice

Communicate what is unique about your practice and convey what makes you different from other law firms. This will communicate your area of focus and will attract those clients who are interested in what you do best. Personalizing and allowing your website to be unique, will get clients in the doors, that you weren’t likely to get otherwise.  An effective law firm website showcases your expertise, credibility and trust badges, and professionalism

Use the Right Keyword Phrases

Do you know what your clients are searching for on Google?  Are you aware of what keyword phrases will draw the right traffic to your website?  According to a study by Pew Research in 2015, 84% of all Americans use the Internet.  Of those, 81% use the Internet to research products or services.  Do the correct analytical research and find out, the correct keyword phrases you should be using and the right Google traffic will be drawn to your website.

AdWords and Retargeting for Lawyers

Now that your firm has launched a website, it’s time to start advertising. The Internet is quickly overtaking traditional print ads in terms of effectiveness and visibility.  This is great news for anybody looking to start an advertising campaign.  Advertising online is very cost effective, easy to use and will target the right kind of client for you.  Programmatic advertising and retargeting is a form of online advertising to help you keep your brand in front of your visitors after they leave your website.  For most websites, only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit. Retargeting help you reach the 98% of users who don’t convert right away.  It is aimed at visitors with the intent to buy as they search for solutions to their problems or goals.

Use Videos as an Advertising Tool

Show, don’t tell.  It’s a classic rule of thumb for advertising.  In this digital age, applying this fairly old technique is easier than ever, thanks to the invention of Internet videos.  Videos are eye-catching, engaging and appealing to clients.  Videos allow the clients to get into the mind of the lawyer and will set your website apart from a text only based Law firm.  Testimonial videos as well short educational videos to answer potential clients’ questions are especially effective for attorneys

Engage in the Right Social Media Platforms

For many law firms, LinkedIn has long been the go-to social media platform, however, other popular platforms should not be overlooked.  According to an ABA Legal Technology Survey Report, 35% of American firms have a Facebook Business Page, 21% are using Twitter for professional purposes and 57% are active on LinkedIn. These figures highlight the importance of developing and maintaining an online presence but what advantages can you expect from your efforts?

Blogging for business has become one of the most popular ways to reach new clients in recent years. Offering actionable, free advice through your blog posts help to build trust in your firm and gives you the opportunity to highlight your areas of expertise.  But, producing the content is only half the battle.  In fact, it’s really only about 20% of the work, as many experts will advise you to follow the 80/20 rule; 20% of your time spent producing content and 80% promoting.  Here lies one of the main advantages of social media, helping your blog posts to reach a wider audience, driving more traffic to your website and ultimately leading to an increase in clients.

An active social media presence also allows you to connect with clients and the legal community through hashtags.  #LegalTech is a popular hashtag in the online legal community with more than 3,500 uses in November 2017 alone discussing new legal solutions.  Being present on social media gives you the opportunity to build your reputation in your area of expertise through the content you share.  Curate and share stories related to trending legal news and cases that are appropriate to your area of expertise, engage with your followers and set your firm in a positive light in the eyes of potential clients.

Social media is a powerful tool when used right.  See how other firms are using social media to their advantage and move your business into the digital age.

Ultimately Plan and Prepare

As you can see by the steps suggested, a certain amount of planning is required to make the most out of your new website.  Remember your website will always be a work in progress.  By implementing monthly reviews, there’s no reason your website shouldn’t be as perfect as you need it to be.  Compounded with the implementation of a well-thought out social media strategy, you will connect with potential clients, grow your online presence and your firm in ways you never thought possible.

Creating a high performance law firm website and a lead engine for your business is well worth your time investment but is deceptively simple. If you don’t have the expertise or don’t have internal resources to drive your business growth through your website, we can help.   Learn more about how our services can improve your bottom line.