Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways of connecting with your audience –regardless of the device they use. The following five email marketing best practice techniques will highlight new opportunities to publish targeted email messages that build leads and customer loyalty and increase sales.

1. Targeting and Segmentation
The foundation of an effective email marketing plan is to better understand your customer by developing buyer personas. You can then create appropriate groups and segment your email list accordingly.

2. Make it Personal
Now you are ready to personalize your message with an appropriate greeting, or recognition of an anniversary or birthday. You can further customize your offers by referring to customers’ purchase history or other company interactions.

3. Lead Nurturing and Marketing Automation
Automated customer initiated email sequences are a great way of providing a non-intrusive flow of information to your visitors as they progress through the sales cycle, allowing you to address their needs at the exact right time.

4. Refine Your Message by Split Testing
You can make continual improvements to your email marketing strategy by trying a variation of your subject line, or different design layouts, to help you understand what will get your message opened and actioned.

5. Make it Mobile-Friendly
A large portion of your customers will read your emails from their mobile device, so make your content responsive with a clear design, easy to read fonts and strong, clearly visible calls to action.

Finally, be prepared to evolve your email marketing strategy by regularly reviewing your progress, and incorporating new best practice email methodologies that will enable you to build stronger customer relations, nurture leads and increase your sales.

Visit our lead generation and nurturing services to learn more about best practices and our capabilities to grow your leads and sales.

If you would like to review the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy, get in touch with me today.