Video Marketing is soaring and becoming increasingly more important in today’s digital marketing world.  The facts in support of video marketing are in–we are using more video, love to watch and share videos, and rely on them to do our jobs.  So, instead of asking why use video marketing, the right question is–are you prepared for and using video to reach your full marketing potential?

On average, people are watching 1.5 hours of video content on a normal day and 81% of businesses are now using video as a marketing tool.  We are living in an era of increased connectivity and the number of videos being shared is at an all-time high.  More than 500 million hours of video are watched on Youtube every day of the week and more than half a billion people are watching video on Facebook daily.

With statistics like these, the importance of video marketing in 2018 is obvious. If you’re still asking yourself “why use video marketing”, you need to take a look at the success of other businesses and marketing firms and get involved.  Video marketing is the future, it’s here to stay and if you want to reach new clients, market to other businesses and elevate your status, now is the time to act.

Are you Prepared to Use Video Marketing to Reach Your Full Potential?

Here we will look at the ‘why’ and the ‘what’.  Why it works and what you can use it to expand the reach of your brand.   We will follow-up with a subsequent post about the “how.”

Best Outreach Mechanism

The potential to reach the most amount of people is the biggest why for the use of video.  As consumers, we watch and share a lot of videos!  Almost all social media platforms not only allow videos but promote video publication.  The world can move pretty quickly these days, especially with advancing technology.  Almost everyone has a phone in their hands these days and all of these phones have the capability to play videos.

When people are on the go, video offers the best user experience.  Anything written is almost always too small and too long to read on a phone screen, but anyone can hit play and watch a video.  And they do, with the number of hours people spend watching Youtube videos increasing by 60% year-by-year.

It’s Easy to Implement at Low Cost and Big ROI

Regardless of what you are selling, there is a market.  There has to be or you wouldn’t be selling it in the first place.  Having a content marketing strategy to include videos is just smart marketing.  It doesn’t matter what it is you are marketing, goods or services, you can make a small, short video and get that up on your website and your social media marketing channels, e.g., Facebook, Instagram, and all other platforms that allow the use of videos.

You can’t always get the video done for peanuts, but investment in a well-produced video showcasing your company can pay for itself tenfold.  On the other hand, a small video shot with your phone and uploaded to your website or social media can generate interest immediately.  And with our love of sharing things, it can move pretty quickly.

Almost 80% of marketers say that using a video has increased their return on investment.  With the speed these things travel, it may not take very long at all.  This alone is a compelling reason for why use video marketing in your marketing mix.  Don’t be left behind.

Interactive & Relevant Content Engages Customers

We have all had a friend or co-worker forward or share a video with us, and you’ll notice the more popular ones have thousands, if not millions of views.  That’s no accident.  It can be a fun and entertaining diversion for a little part of our day.  Cats playing, someone falling down the stairs or videos about rescued dogs all make the rounds.

Yours could, too.  Adding a simple bit of humor, some flashy technology or animation or a simple ‘how-to’ video can generate not just more viewers, it can also move, educate, and engage people.  Youtube is the second largest search engine on the internet with millions of users daily, searching for everything from learning how to cook to researching the products and services they are going to buy.

A well-placed video on a popular site linked to your business can generate so much more traffic to your website or business social media site.

Video Marketing Means Visual Marketing

Seeing is believing, and believing is seeing.  The ability to show-off your product or service, to talk directly to the consumer and show them how it works, and to give testimonials drives conversations, interests and ultimately sales.  In fact, 85% of those people who watch product videos are more likely to follow through and make a purchase.

Showing people your brand gets them interested and keeps them there.  You can add a video to your campaign email, on your website, or social media channels and increase interest and sales.  A great video will not only engage people but it has the best potential to remain in the consumer’s mind for a longer period of time.

Video Marketing: The ‘In’ Thing 

There is untold potential for your brand by using a catchy, well-executed video to showcase your company and services.  You can easily include your video content throughout the pages of your website, in marketing emails and on your social media channels.  Get your videos out there and exponentially increase traffic to your website and customers to your business.

Whether you’re just starting to look at video marketing, asking ‘why use video marketing’,  looking for some help and advice or know what you want, we can help.  We can give you tips on direction. Let’s talk if we can be of help to your business.